Sunday, 4 March 2012

Bucktail pike flies

Been tying up a few bucktail pike patterns , just simply for a change to the usual synthetics. Quite easy to tie just bunches tied along the length  of a 4/0 aberdeen hook interspersed with flash, epoxy eyes fixed with uv resin (deer creek diamond  hard) great fun to tie.

A perch version in action
mission accomplished

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

16th feb

Apologies very late in updating this . Gried to concentrate on loch flies for a change , river flies tend to have been done to death and we do have a great tradition for loch style wets, so we thought we would do a few, but first up a dry!

Dirty polly /Corrie killer hybrid

Hook: b100
butt :  globrite no5
rib: none you could use fine wire or tag end
body and thorax: black seals fur , peacock glister mixed 50/50
wing: poly yarn
hackle : grizzle or black.

tail: Red wool
rib: gold wire
body: flat gold we used holographic
Palmering hackle:black cock
head hackles : orange and black hen.

black ke-he
tail; red wool with gp tippets over the top
body: peacock herl
hackle : black hen

Thursday, 19 January 2012

19th Jan.

Thanks again , all who attended. A good few flies tonight  , mainly emergers, but first up was the Endrick spider.

hook: b175 or170 or similar size 14-10
weight either copper wire, or lead
tail: cock pheasant
rib: copper wire
body : cock pheasant
hackle: English partridge

Then 3 emergers .

First up. The Deer hair emerger (DHE)
Hook: b100
Rib tag end of thread
body and thorax, haresear
wing: deer hair (Roe is a good option)

variant with turkey biot body. basically with all these patterns the body can be changed to suit.

Then we did a snow shoe emerger
which is as above though the hook size preferance is smaller ie deerhair =12-10's, snow shoe = 14-16's
the wing material is the only differance otherwise.

Last we did a cdc flexi- emerger
hook:b100 # 14
thread: white 8/0
body: olive flexi floss
wing :cdc
thorax : olive hares ear

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

More dates

some new dates to put in your diary (fortnightly),  usual place (Black bitch)and usual time .

Thursday january 19th
thu february 2nd
thu feb 16th

hope you can make it.
